DECLARATION OF CONFIDENTIALITY OF PATIENT INFORMATION I……………………………………………………………………………………..working in the clinical biochemistry laboratory, LSSTH, Bhavnagar as laboratory technician/ laboratory assistant fully understand the meaning of confidentiality of patient information as defined by NABL. I hereby declare that I will not disclose patient information to any individual unless the patient concerned has consented or the individual is a health professional involved in the care of the patient. I further declare that I will not discuss patient information with • One patient about another patient. • Relative and friends of the patient. • Visitors of any setting. • News media. • Fellow workers. I am also aware that violation of the above declaration will lead to the instant dismissal of my service from laboratory services, LSSTH, Bhavnagar. I acknowledge receipt of a copy of this document Date: Signature Place: Bhavnagar Name of the employee As head of the Department, I hereby certify that this employee has been provided with necessary instruction for the above.