Name | Unique ID | Edition | Date of Edition |
Glucose Examination Procedure | LSSTH/ | 01-03-2023 |
Preparing authority | Approving authority | Review period | Review Date |
All teaching staff | Quality Manager | 2 year |
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1 |
Purpose of examination:
Glucose estimation from serum or plasma by Hexokinase/G-6-PDH Method.
Responsibility and Authority:
Calibration: Technician Quality Control: Technician Routine operation: Technician Overall Monitoring: Quality Manager
Sample Details:
Type of Sample: Plasma, Urine, CSF
Type of container and additives: Sodium fluoride/ Potassium oxalate vaccutte,glacial acetic acid container
Patient Preparation: As per Primary Sample Collection Manual sample_collection_manual
Stability: At Room temperature 18°–28°C (64°–82°F) stability ≤ 24 hours
Handling and transport: As per Primary Sample collection manual
Storage: 24 hours at 2-8° C
Required Equipment:
Centrifuge, Auto-Pipette, Disposable Tips, Disposable sample cups, FullyAuto Chemistry Analyzer
Required reagents:
R1.ATP .2Na 9.0 mg/mL
NAD 5.0 mg/mL
G-6-PDH 3,000 U/L
Hexokinase 15,000 U/L
Reagent Handling
Remove any air bubbles present in the reagents with a new applicator stick or allow the reagents to settle at the appropriate storage temperature to allow the bubbles to dissipate. To minimize volume depletion, do not use a transfer pipette to remove bubbles
Reagent Storage and stability
Unopened reagent stable at 2-8°C until expiration date.
On board System temperature reagent is stable for 30 days.
Instability or deterioration should be suspected if there are precipitates, visible signs of leakage or contamination, turbidity, or if calibration or controls do not meet the appropriate criteria.
Calibration Procedure:
1. Calibrator Material- Multicostitute(MCC)
2. Frequency: Reagent lot change QC out of range After service or maintenance Replacement in any parts of Instrument
3. Procedure:
- Start the equipment.
- Calibrators are ready to use.
- Put calibrator 15-20 minutes at room temperature
- Prior to use, mix the contents by inverting the vial. Do not shake the vial to prevent foam formation.
- Take a 150 µl both level of calibrator solution in to separate aliquot.
- Go to the calibration and give the calibration order.
- Verify calibration with at least two levels of controls
- If control results fall outside acceptable ranges,root cause analysis or recalibration may be necessary.
Quality control Procedure:
1. Name: BioRad Level 1 & 2
2. Frequency: As per Quality Control Procedure
3. Procedure for Reconstitution of IQC
- Reconstitution of QC material with 5 ml Distilled water by using calibrated fixed volume pipette.
- Leave to stand for 30 min in the dark place.
- Swirl gently several times during the reconstitution period to ensure that the contents are completely dissolved.
- Prior to use, mix the contents by inverting the vial. Do not shake the vial as the information of foam should be avoided.
- Ensure that no lyophilized material remains un-reconstituted.
- Prepare aliquots of 150 µl from the reconstituted QC material.
- Store these aliquots at -15° C to -20° C.
- Prior to use, make sure that aliquots should be at room temperature for at least 15 min.
4. Procedure to run IQC
- Press Control order
- Select Assay /Panel, to be run.
- Select the control/s and its level/s
- Give Carrier Number and Position number
- Press F3 / Add order
- Put respected carrier in RSH rack
- Check IQC results, in case outliers call residents.
Principle of the procedure used for examinations:
Glucose is phosphorylated by hexokinase (HK) in the presence of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and magnesium ions to produce glucose‐6-phosphate (G‐6-P) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) specifically oxidizes G-6-P to 6-phosphogluconate with the concurrent reduction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide reduced (NADH). One micromole of NADH is produced foreach micromole of glucose consumed. The NADH produced absorbs light at 340 nm and can be detected spectrophotometrically as an increased absorbance.
Sample Preparation:
Required Sample Volume: 150 µl of the sample
Temperature: 37°
Take 150-200µl of the sample from Primary tube to examination. Write the sample ID on the aliquot.
Procedure to run Patient sample
- Press Patient order
- Select Assay /Panel, to be run
- Give Carrier Number and Position number
- Press F3 / Add order
- Put respected carrier in RSH rack
Performance Characteristics:
1. Linearity: 05 to 800 mg/dL
If values exceed this linearity limit 800 mg/dl, dilute the sample by Manual Dilution Procedure, or the Automatic Dilution Protocol provided in the assay parameters.
Automated Dilution Protocol:
When using the Automated Dilution Protocol, the system performs a dilution of the specimen and automatically corrects the concentration by multiplying the result by the appropriate dilution factor.
Manual Dilution Procedure:
Dilute the specimen with saline (0.85% to 0.90% NaCl). Enter the dilution factor in the Patient or Control order screen
2. The limit of detection (LOD): 2.5 mg/dl
3. The limit of quantification (LOQ): 5.0 mg/dL
4. Unit: mg/dl
Normal and critical ranges:
Parameter | Biological Reference Interval | Prediabetes | Diabetes |
Fasting plasma glucose | 70-100 mg/dL | 100-125 mg/dL | >/= 126 mg/dL |
2 hour postprandial Blood Glucose | Below 140 mg/dL | 140-199 mg/dL | >/= 200 mg/dL |
Random Blood Glucose | - | - | >/= 200 mg/dL |
CSF | Infant, child | 60-80 mg/dL |
Adult | 40-70 mg/dL |
Laboratory Clinical interpretation:
The common causes of High Glucose Level are as follows:
Diabetes Mellitus, pancreatic tumor, hyperthyroidism, adrenal cortical hyperfunction
The common causes of Low Glucose Level are as follows:
Jaundice, Alcoholism, Insulin Therapy, Hypoglycemic Drugs
Interference and cross reaction:
The Following analytes were tested up to the levels indicated at Sugar concentrations of 1 mg/dl and 5.03 found not to interfere:
No interference from Hemoglobin up to 1000 mg/dL
No interference from Intralipid up to 1000 mg/dL
No interference from bilirubin up to30 mg/dl
Potential source of variation:
Turn around time (TAT):
Routine: 6.0 hours
Urgent: 2.0 hours
Recording of observation:
Software backup
Machine raw data
Storage & Disposal of waste:
Follow storage & discard procedure
Environmental & Safety control:
Follow the universal work precautions. Reagent R1 contains sodium azide 0.1% as a preservative. Avoid contact with skin & mucosa. Contact with acid liberates very toxic gas.
- Burtis CA,Ashwood ER,editors,Tietz Textbook of clinical chemistry
- Kaplan LA,Pesce AJ editors. Clinical Chemistry Theory Analysis, and Correlation, 3rd ed.
- ARCHITECT Glucose 3L82-21 AND 3L82-41 B3L8X0