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1Proteolytic enzymes are released in zymogen form!AjCyKYDSCS81gzdV1bQclGfCT-Gm?e=BLbZQlProtein Digestion & Absorption1-10Dr. Piyush Tailor, Dr.Jahnavi Patil
2Brown adipose tissue promotes thermogenesis!AjCyKYDSCS81gzUFr3TU_uMlkakX?e=QQuOblUncouplers of oxidative Phosphorylation11-20 Dr. Jagruti Dholakia, Dr. Gopalakrishnann
3Diarrhea cause normal anion gap acidosis!AjCyKYDSCS81gziTsADsO_0LTPP0?e=4A2WtG Anion gap, Metabolic Acidosis
4In absence of O2, glycolysis can not continue if there is no formation lactic acid.!AjCyKYDSCS81gzM2avT1FyPaCITz?e=u9dvie Overview of Carbohydrate metabolism21-30Dr. Hina Baraiya, Dr. Subhankar Jha
5Fasting blood sample is require for complete lipid profile evaluation!AjCyKYDSCS81gzaLw5wrO6UvKG5o?e=3B8plvLipid Digestion & Absorption
6Muscle glycogen cannot be utilized directlly for energy purpose!AjCyKYDSCS81gzRf_hdw8MtAaCaJ?e=y3f3EZGlycogenolysis31-40 Dr. Sapna Patel, Dr. Arvi Mehta
7Insulin is use to correct hyperkalemia.!AjCyKYDSCS81gz02yahXfCOpVv0K?e=k5Sgp0 Hyperkalemia & Hypokalemia Causes, Sign symptoms & treatment41-50 Dr. Jagruti Dholakia, Dr. Sanjay Parmar
8Sprinter uses phosphagen system and anarobic glycolysis while marathon runner uses oxidative phosphorilation for energy production!AjCyKYDSCS81gzo3f6xUi4GL-Ode?e=WTCS3e Effect of Exercise on Metabolic profile
9Glucose is given in treatment of acute intermittent porphyria!AjCyKYDSCS81g0Z2CvyRZYFaMVYP?e=somzQxPorphyrias
10Fibrinogen estimation cannot be done in serum!AjCyKYDSCS81gzljFMLXKP-FULb1?e=71mKHVClotting factors, coagulation Cascade
11Glutamate is use in management hepatic- uremic coma!AjCyKYDSCS81gzxwYFEUe2E2fv8O?e=oRFaVEHepatic encephalopathy
12Excess use of barbiturate cause anemia.!AjCyKYDSCS81gztXQm9ch7XR3f-t?e=R7n6SRFactors affecting Heme synthesis
13Unsaturated cis-fatty acids increase fluidity of membrane!AjCyKYDSCS81gz7vV03WsIUc7dvy?e=Oe4T9dFluid mosaic model,Factors affecting fluididty of membrane
14Troponin I or Troponin T are considered More specific markers of myocardial injury than CK-MB!AjCyKYDSCS81gz9JwzcslJiUmpGP?e=iQErroCardiac Markers
15Folic acid supplementation is essential in pregnancy!AjCyKYDSCS81g0HTVQ5d-BK2ESy0?e=yHg3sJ Coenzyme fuction of Folic acid & Folate deficiency
16Folic acid and Vitamin b12 are given together in treatment of megaloblastic anemia!AjCyKYDSCS81g0fBnwtmUNMuxq2K?e=YeDgpX Functional role of Vitamin B12 & its deficiency menifestations
17Iodine deficiency in diet leads to goiter!AjCyKYDSCS81g0X2p1epu2xVMugI?e=iCF6TVThyroid Hormone Synthesis & reguation, Goiter
18Adenosine deaminase deficiency cause severe immuno-deficiency disorder!AjCyKYDSCS81g0SwWJi8BYGNIqsl?e=YEs600Purine degradation pathway & disorders associated with its metabolism
19Lactase enzyme gene is not transcribed in presence of both glucose & lactose, in prokaryotes!AjCyKYDSCS81g0Pm9W966p7vsQAR?e=2g1CIZLac operon(regulation of gene expression)
20Low iron concentration increase synthesis of transferritin and decrease synthesis of ferritin!AjCyKYDSCS81g0AF0ifWPKjDm5YT?e=k4t7fhRegulation of protein synthesis by alteration in messanger RNA stability
justification.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/11 11:05 by quality_manager