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NameUnique IDEditionDate of Edition
Sample storage and disposal procedureLSSTH/A/QM/01 1 01-03-2023
Preparing authorityApproving authorityReview period
All teaching staffQuality Manager1 year
  1. Store the primary sample for 24 hour at 2-8˚C in refrigerator for re-examination and / or additional tests except for unstable parameters
  2. During storage, integrity of primary sample is maintained.
  3. On next day These all samples are treated with appropriate amount of 1% fresh hypochlorite solution for 30 minutes and then poured down drain in running water
  4. Sample tubes then discarded in Red biomedical waste bin
  5. The management of biomedical waste by IMA, Bhavnagar
storage_and_disposal_facilities_for_hazardous_materials_and_biological_waste_shall_be_appropriate.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/14 11:15 by quality_manager