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1. Beer's law, relationship between Transmittance and Absorbance and its application in clinical chemistry.

2. Explain concept and application of Molar Absorptivity giving suitable examples.

3. Draw diagram of a spectrophotometer. How double-beam-in-time spectrophotometer differ from double-beam-in-space spectrophotometer

4. Light sources in analytical equipments

5. Spectral isolation in optical analytical equipments

6. Wavelengh accuracy, spectral band width, stray light and photometric accuracy of optical analytical equipments

7. Principle, instrumentation and use of atomic absorption spectrometry in clinical chemistry

8. Zeeman correction in atomic absorption spectrometry

9. Principle of flurometry and fluroscence polarization

10. Components of flurometric equipment

11. Principles of Luminecence, bioluminecence, chemiluminecence, enhanced chemileuminecence and electrochemileuminicence

12. Principle and instrumentation of nephelometry and turbidimetry

13. Potentiometry using Ion selective electrodes for H+, Na+, K+ and Cl-

14. Potentiometry electrodes for pCO2

15. Amperometric electrode for pO2

16. Amperometric O2 based and H2O2 based glucose electrodes

17. Potentiometric enzyme electrode for blood urea

18. Biosensors – enzyme based and affinity based

19. Affinity sensors for specific protein and DNA detection

20. Electrophoresis support media

21. Isoelectric focusing

22. Principle of SDS PAGE

23. Troubleshooting SDS PAGE

24. Principle, instrumentation and uses of capillary electrophoresis

25. Microchip electrophoresis

26. Separation mechanisms used in chromatography

27. Size exclusion chromatography

28. Affinity chromatography

29. Explain chromatographic resolution and efficiency

30. Instrumentation of HPLC

31. HPLC sample injector

32. HPLC columns

33. HPLC detectors

34. Instrumentation of Gas Chromatography

35. GC detectors

36. Principle of electron and chemical ionization in mass spectrometer

37. Electrospray Ionization for mass spectrometry

38. MALDI mass spectrometry

39. Principles of various mass analysers for mass spectrometry

40. Quadruple mass analysers

41. Magnetic sector mass analysers

42. TOF mass analysers

43. Quadrupole and linear ion trap mass analysers

44. Tandom mass spectrometry

45. Clinical applications of mass spectrometer

46. Define isoenzymes. Explain genetic origin of isoenzymes. Enlist non-genetic modifications of enzymes resulting in isoforms.

47. Measurement of enzymes by reaction rates

48. Strategy for detection of above-linearity range ALT in automated chemistry analysers

49. Traceability of enzyme measurement

50. Enzymes as analytical reagents

51. Monoclonal antibody productions

52. Labeled immunochemical assays

53. Competitive vs. noncompetitive immunoassay

54. Labels used for nonisotopic immunoassay and their detection limits

55. Heterogenous vs. homogenous immunoassay

56. CEDIA and EMIT

57. Homogenous polarization fluroimmunoassay

58. Principle of PCR

59. PCR optimization and primer design

60. PCR contamination control

61. Hot start PCR

62. Asymmetric PCR

63. Allele specific PCR

64. Single molecule PCR

65. Isothermic PCR amplification based on transcription

66. PCR application detection techniques

67. PCR amplicon discrimination techniques


69. Single stranded conformation polymorphism for discrimination of PCR products

70. Denaturing gradient and temperature gradient electrophoresis for discrimination of PCR products

71. Dideoxy terminal sequencing of DNA principle and automated sequencing

72. Emulsion PCR

73. Bridge amplification

74. Absorbance melting curve of double helical nucleic acid

75. Dot-blot hybridization assay

76. Two color DNA microarray

77. DNA copy number variation assay

78. Single copy visualization assay

79. real time PCR with dsDNA binding dyes

80. Real time monitoring of PCR and melting analysis

81. Detection, quantification and identification of amplicon in real time PCR

82. Common probes and dyes for realtime PCR

83. Microchip electrophoresis device

84. Automation in sample identification and data collection

85. Automation in sample transporters

86. Describe components of a automated discrete analyser.

87. Use of barcoding in clinical laboratory

88. Components of Integrated automation system in clinical laboratory

89. Advantages and disadvantages of POCT

90. Ideal requirements of POCT

91. Classification of POCT devices

92. Principle of electrochemical glucose strip used in glucometers

93. Principle of lateral flow immunoassay

94. Principles of HbA1C POCT instruments

95. Assessing need for POCT servic

techniques.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/29 17:34 by quality_manager